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設計 > 設計作品 > 以樂張溫莉作品 | 境質造像 Natural Sculpture

以樂張溫莉作品 | 境質造像 Natural Sculpture

來源:中裝新網時間:2024-12-27 15:13:42 評論 分享

以樂室內裝修設計有限公司張溫莉作品境質造像 Natural Sculpture。

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主創設計師:張溫莉 WEN LI CHANG
輔助設計師:趙紹恩 SHAO EN CHAO

A brand-new five-story elevator villa in southern Taiwan features a "narrow front and deep length" layout. The interior design minimises decorations, instead using unique paint textures to create a distinctive spatial language. This is combined with exquisite, stylish furniture and soft furnishings, blending simplicity with a delicate texture to create an energy-efficient, movable home environment.

The rear of the first-floor garage serves as the starting point of the "home" entrance. This area is designated as the residential reception hall, with a bar as the focal point, combined with comfortable double seats to create an elegant and refined public space. It acts as a transitional area upon entering the home. This space can be used for daily social interactions and receptions, and when there are many visitors, it can also serve as an area for crowd management.

Ascending the staircase, the second floor features an open-plan living and dining area along with the kitchen, forming the main public activity space. The walls and ceiling are coated with a special grey-toned paint, complemented by dark wood and stone textures inlaid with different materials. The interior also includes meticulously crafted rattan furniture and artistic wall hangings, connecting local craftsmanship and creating a natural, earthy atmosphere.

Starting from the third floor, the private area mainly consists of bedrooms. Continuing the refined, nature-inspired texture of the public area, the aim is to create a warm and inviting home atmosphere. The special paint finish on the headboard wall is divided by L-shaped rounded corners with embedded light strips, allowing light to subtly emanate from the rough surface, showcasing layered dimensions. Additionally, the simple European vintage-style furniture and potted green plants are deliberately used to evoke the ambiance of a charming estate in the warm regions of southern France.

Next to the household area on the top floor, a multifunctional space has been specially designed, intended as a waiting area for residents while doing laundry. This thoughtful addition provides a versatile and serene space that can be used for reading, tea drinking, meditation, or relaxation. It allows laundry and drying tasks to be completed in one place, eliminating the hassle of constantly moving up and down the stairs in a large home.

By translating the rustic native elements into a refined modern language, the space's textures and stylish furniture become the focal points of the home environment. This approach creates a sense of harmony in the living space, embodying a natural atmosphere and conveying the warmth that a home should have.



張溫莉 1mb.jpg

以樂室內裝修設計有限公司  YILE DESIGN
YILE DESIGN CEO  /  Design Director 設計總監

以樂 LOGO-01-01.jpg


 Yile Interior Design primarily offers interior design planning and project management services. We aspire to incorporate beauty into every aspect of life. Each project, from conception to realisation, not only embodies the ultimate aesthetic interpretation of space but also cultivates the most fitting perspective from functionality. Natural and heartfelt occurrences make the home a place for cultivating strength and rest.

ZHONG ZHUANG CUP - National Underaduate Environment Design Competition Organizing Committee


★歷年得獎一覽  完整版  新→舊  中英對照:

2023  德國 iF設計獎
2023  iF Design Award

2022  美國 MUSE 設計大獎 - 銀獎
2022  MUSE Design Awards - SILVER WINNER

2021  美國 MUSE 設計大獎 - 雙銀獎
2021  MUSE Design Awards - Double SILVER WINNER

2020  SIDA新加坡室內設計獎 - 銅獎
2020  Singapore Interior Design Awards - Bronze Award

2020  德國 iF設計獎
2020  iF Design Award

2020  中國金外灘獎 - 最佳商業空間
2020  The Golden Bund Award - Best Commercial Space

2020  中國國際空間設計大獎 - 銀獎
2020  China International Space Design Competition - Silver Award

2020  亞太桃鼎獎 - 年度最佳設計獎
2020  T'Design Award - Design of the Year Award

2019  日本Kukan Design Award - Longlist
2019  Kukan Design Award - Longlist

2019  日本Good Design Award - Shortlist
2019  Good Design Award - Shortlist

2019  LICC 英國倫敦創意設計大獎 - 決選
2019  LICC London International Creative Competition - Shortlist

2019  英國SBID 國際設計獎 - Shortlist
2019  SBID International Design Awards - Shortlist

2019  韓國K-design Award - Winner
2019  K-design Award – Winner

2019  SPARK 美國火星設計獎 - 金獎
2019  Spark Design Awards - Gold Award

2019  美國 AMP 建築大師獎 - 榮譽提名獎
2019  AMP Architecture MasterPrize - Honorable Mentions

2019  美國 MUSE 設計大獎 - 金獎 / 銀獎

2019  芬蘭Novum Award - 雙銀獎
2019  Novum Design Award - Double Silver Award
〔 隸屬DAA獎項代理商機構,註冊於芬蘭,行銷範疇包含廣告推廣與公共關係等。 〕
2019  中國國際空間設計大賽 - 銀獎
2019  China International Space Design Competition - Silver Award

2019  義大利 A' Design Award & Competition - 銀獎
2019  A' Design Award & Competition - Silver Awar

2018  法國INNODESIGN PRIZE設計大獎 - 商空 & 住宅 - 雙入圍
2018  INNODESIGN PRIZE - Commercial space & Residential - Double Shortlist
〔 2022後更名INNODESIGN PRIZE全球創新設計大賽,原法區評審資源,另導入中東、美國、中國等設計協會金援協辦 〕

2018  亞太華人設計邀請賽 華騰獎 - 金獎
2018  CBDA Asia Pacific Design Invitational - Honorary Credential - Gold Award

2018  APDC亞太設計菁英邀請賽 - 提名獎
2018  APDC Asia Pacific Design Awards For Elite - Nominee

2018  華人金創獎 住宅空間類 - 入圍
2018  Taiwan Good Design Award - Residential - Shortlist

2018  中國M+中國高端室內設計大賽 - 潛力新人獎
2018  M+ China Top Interior Design Award - Rising Star Award



★iF Design Award
★K?design Award ? Winner
★Spark Design Awards ? Gold Award
★MUSE Design Awards ? Gold Winner
★Novum Design Award ? Double Silver Award
★A' Design Award & Competition ? Silver Award
★Singapore Interior Design Awards ? Bronze Award
★AMP Architecture MasterPrize ? Honorable Mentions
★CBDA Design Invitational - Honorary Credential - Gold Award
★China International Space Design Competition ? Silver Award

★T'Design Award ? Design of the Year Award
★The Golden Bund Award ? Best Commercial Space
★M+ China Top Interior Design Award ? Rising Star Award

★Good Design Award ? Shortlist
★Kukan Design Award ? Longlist
★SBID International Design Awards ? Shortlist
★Taiwan Good Design Award ? Residential ? Shortlist
★APDC Asia Pacific Design Awards For Elite ? Nominee
★LICC London International Creative Competition ? Shortlist
★INNODESIGN PRIZE ? Commercial space & Residential ? Double Shortlist

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